Source code for tardis.adapters.batchsystems.htcondor

from ...configuration.configuration import Configuration
from ...exceptions.executorexceptions import CommandExecutionFailure
from ...interfaces.batchsystemadapter import BatchSystemAdapter
from ...interfaces.batchsystemadapter import MachineStatus
from ...interfaces.executor import Executor
from ...utilities.executors.shellexecutor import ShellExecutor
from ...utilities.utils import htcondor_cmd_option_formatter
from ...utilities.utils import csv_parser
from ...utilities.asynccachemap import AsyncCacheMap
from ...utilities.attributedict import AttributeDict

from functools import partial
from shlex import quote
from typing import Iterable
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("cobald.runtime.tardis.adapters.batchsystem.htcondor")

[docs]async def htcondor_status_updater( options: AttributeDict, attributes: AttributeDict, executor: Executor ) -> dict: """ Helper function to call ``condor_status -af`` asynchronously and to translate the output into a dictionary :param options: Additional options for the condor_status call. For example ``{'pool': 'htcondor.example'}`` will be translated into ``condor_status -af ... -pool htcondor.example`` :type options: AttributeDict :param attributes: Additional fields to add to output of the ``condor_status -af`` response. :type attributes: AttributeDict :return: Dictionary containing the output of the ``condor_status`` command :rtype: dict """ attributes_string = f'-af:t {" ".join(attributes.values())}' options_string = htcondor_cmd_option_formatter(options) cmd = f"condor_status {attributes_string} -constraint PartitionableSlot=?=True" if options_string: cmd = f"{cmd} {options_string}" htcondor_status = {} try: logger.debug(f"HTCondor status update is running. Command: {cmd}") condor_status = await executor.run_command(cmd) for row in csv_parser( input_csv=condor_status.stdout, fieldnames=tuple(attributes.keys()), delimiter="\t", replacements=dict(undefined=None), ): status_key = row["TardisDroneUuid"] or row["Machine"].split(".")[0] htcondor_status[status_key] = row except CommandExecutionFailure as cef: logger.warning(f"condor_status could not be executed due to {cef}!") raise else: logger.debug("HTCondor status update finished.") return htcondor_status
[docs]class HTCondorAdapter(BatchSystemAdapter): """ :py:class:`~tardis.adapters.batchsystems.htcondor.HTCondorAdapter` implements the TARDIS interface to dynamically integrate and manage opportunistic resources with the HTCondor Batch System. """ def __init__(self): config = Configuration() self.ratios = config.BatchSystem.ratios self._executor = getattr(config.BatchSystem, "executor", ShellExecutor()) try: self.htcondor_options = config.BatchSystem.options except AttributeError: self.htcondor_options = {} attributes = dict( Machine="Machine", Name="Name", State="State", Activity="Activity", TardisDroneUuid="TardisDroneUuid", ) # Escape htcondor expressions and add them to attributes attributes.update({key: quote(value) for key, value in self.ratios.items()}) self._htcondor_status = AsyncCacheMap( update_coroutine=partial( htcondor_status_updater, self.htcondor_options, attributes, self._executor, ), max_age=config.BatchSystem.max_age * 60, )
[docs] async def disintegrate_machine(self, drone_uuid: str) -> None: """ HTCondor does not require any specific disintegration procedure. :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: None """ return
[docs] async def drain_machine(self, drone_uuid: str) -> None: """ Drain a machine in the HTCondor batch system, which means that no new jobs will be accepted :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: None """ await self._htcondor_status.update_status() try: slot_name = self._htcondor_status[drone_uuid]["Name"] except KeyError: return options_string = htcondor_cmd_option_formatter(self.htcondor_options) if options_string: cmd = f"condor_drain {options_string} -graceful {slot_name}" else: cmd = f"condor_drain -graceful {slot_name}" try: await self._executor.run_command(cmd) except CommandExecutionFailure as cef: if cef.exit_code == 1: # exit code 1: HTCondor can't connect to StartD of Drone # # noqa: B950 logger.warning( f"Draining failed with: {str(cef)}. Probably drone {drone_uuid}" " is not available or already drained." ) return logger.critical(f"Draining failed with: {str(cef)}.") raise cef
[docs] async def integrate_machine(self, drone_uuid: str) -> None: """ HTCondor does not require any specific integration procedure :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: None """ return None
[docs] async def get_resource_ratios(self, drone_uuid: str) -> Iterable[float]: """ Get the ratio of requested over total resources (CPU, Memory, Disk, etc.) for a worker node in HTCondor according to the HTCondor expressions defined in the adapter configuration. :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: Iterable of float containing the ratios :rtype: Iterable[float] """ await self._htcondor_status.update_status() try: htcondor_status = self._htcondor_status[drone_uuid] return [ float(value) for key, value in htcondor_status.items() if key in self.ratios.keys() ] except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): return []
[docs] async def get_allocation(self, drone_uuid: str) -> float: """ Get the allocation of a worker node in HTCondor, which is defined as maximum of the ratios of requested over total resources (CPU, Memory, Disk, etc.). :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: The allocation of a worker node as described above. :rtype: float """ return max(await self.get_resource_ratios(drone_uuid), default=0.0)
[docs] async def get_machine_status(self, drone_uuid: str) -> MachineStatus: """ Get the status of a worker node in HTCondor (Available, Draining, Drained, NotAvailable) :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: The machine status in HTCondor (Available, Draining, Drained, NotAvailable) :rtype: MachineStatus """ status_mapping = { ("Unclaimed", "Idle"): MachineStatus.Available, ("Drained", "Retiring"): MachineStatus.Draining, ("Drained", "Idle"): MachineStatus.Drained, ("Owner", "Idle"): MachineStatus.NotAvailable, } await self._htcondor_status.update_status() try: machine_status = self._htcondor_status[drone_uuid] except KeyError: return MachineStatus.NotAvailable else: return status_mapping.get( (machine_status["State"], machine_status["Activity"]), MachineStatus.NotAvailable, )
[docs] async def get_utilisation(self, drone_uuid: str) -> float: """ Get the utilisation of a worker node in HTCondor, which is defined as minimum of the ratios of requested over total resources (CPU, Memory, Disk, etc.). :param drone_uuid: Uuid of the worker node, for some sites corresponding to the host name of the drone. :type drone_uuid: str :return: The utilisation of a worker node as described above. :rtype: float """ return min(await self.get_resource_ratios(drone_uuid), default=0.0)
@property def machine_meta_data_translation_mapping(self) -> AttributeDict: """ The machine meta data translation mapping is used to translate units of the machine meta data in ``TARDIS`` to values expected by the HTCondor batch system adapter. :return: Machine meta data translation mapping :rtype: AttributeDict """ return AttributeDict(Cores=1, Memory=1024, Disk=1024 * 1024)