
All executors can be loaded using YAML tags using the (!Tag) syntax. More details are available in the PyYAML documentation.

Alternatively you can also use the legacy COBalD object initialisation syntax to construct executors. But it is discouraged.

Shell Executor

The shell executor is used to execute shell commands asynchronously.

Example configuration


Example configuration (COBalD legacy object initialisation)

__type__: tardis.utilities.executors.shellexecutor.ShellExecutor

SSH Executor

The ssh executor is used to asynchronously execute shell commands remotely via ssh. The actual ssh connection to the host is preserved, recycled and automatically reestablished. All parameters specified in the configuration are directly passed as keyword arguments to asyncssh connect call. You can find all available parameters in the asyncssh documentation

Example configuration

  host: login.dorie.somewherein.de
  username: clown
    - /opt/tardis/ssh/tardis

Example configuration (COBalD legacy object initialisation)

__type__: tardis.utilities.executors.sshexecutor.SSHExecutor
host: login.dorie.somewherein.de
username: clown
  - /opt/tardis/ssh/tardis